The 90-Day Goal Review is an essential part of your fitness journey at CINCOfit. This appointment is designed to help you set achievable goals and develop a personalized plan to reach them. Here’s everything you need to know about the 90-Day Goal Review:

What is the 90-Day Goal Review?

The 90-Day Goal Review is a free appointment offered to all members at CINCOfit. During this appointment, we start with a free InBody scan to get a detailed analysis of your body composition. From there, we help you set achievable goals and develop a personalized plan to reach them.

Why is the 90-Day Goal Review important?

Setting achievable goals is an essential part of any fitness journey. Without clear goals, it’s easy to get lost or discouraged. That’s why the 90-Day Goal Review is so important – it helps you set clear, achievable goals that will keep you motivated and on track.

What happens during the 90-Day Goal Review?

During the 90-Day Goal Review, you’ll start with a free InBody scan. This scan provides a detailed analysis of your body composition, including your body fat percentage, muscle mass, and more. From there, our staff will work with you to set achievable goals based on your scan results and your individual needs.

How often should I schedule a 90-Day Goal Review?

We recommend scheduling a 90-Day Goal Review every 3 months. This allows you to track your progress, adjust your goals as needed, and continue making progress towards your ultimate fitness goals.

In conclusion, the 90-Day Goal Review is an essential part of your fitness journey at CINCOfit. It provides you with the tools and support you need to set achievable goals and develop a personalized plan to reach them. Schedule your review today and take the first step towards achieving your fitness goals!