When it comes down to it, creating a new habit boils down to three fundamental steps:

  1. Awareness: Recognizing the habit that needs to change.
  2. Replacement: Finding something new to take its place.
  3. Consistency: Consistently choosing the new habit over the old one.

The Challenge

Many people get stuck after step one. They know which habit needs to change, but they don’t have anything to replace it with. This is where a self-care menu comes into play.

Introducing the Self-Care Menu 🙌

A self-care menu is a list of feel-good actions you can take before you slip back into “autopilot.” Here are some examples:

  • Play with your pet for 5 minutes
  • Listen to one of your favorite songs
  • Go outside for some fresh air
  • Do some quick stretches
  • Do bodyweight exercises for 3 minutes

These activities help disrupt your old “trigger → behavior” cycle with something enjoyable. This short interruption can provide the breathing room you need to be more mindful about your next step—whether it’s deciding what to eat, choosing whether or not to scroll on your phone, or any other habit you’re trying to replace.

The Next Step: Consistency

Keep your self-care menu somewhere you can see it, like your phone’s Notes app, your fridge, or on a sticky note by your desk. It takes practice to redirect yourself, but eventually, it will become easier to make better choices.

Real-World Success

At CINCOfit, finding quick, personal wins like these is one of the first steps we take when we work together one-on-one. This approach helps our clients start to gain traction quickly with their personal trainers. For instance, our client Jim Bayne shared how his fitness journey transformed with personalized attention and consistent efforts​​.


Ready to Take the First Step?

Finding a new habit to replace an old one is crucial for sustainable change. Consistency and mindful choices make this process smoother and more effective. Want to see if 1:1 coaching is right for you? Click here to book a quick chat.